I'm a sucker for a great book. I can get lost for hours just sitting on my duff with my face buried in an enveloping story. Rainy days are always a good excuse for me to curl up in a chair with a book, a blanket and my dogs. It's too bad there aren't enough rainy days for me to whittle away like that! (Damn the need for a job!)
I must admit, though, that some books are disturbing. I just finished Those Who Save Us (forgive me for not remembering the author's name) and really had a hard time not filing it away on my bookshelf before I completed it. It's fiction but based on events that took place in Nazi Germany during World War II. There are stories of the atrocities that Jewish families were made to endure. At times the stories made me very sad and disgusted at what humanity is capable of doing.
Even though I feel it is a duty of mine to be knowledgeable about the horrific things that go on in our world, I really prefer to read about funny things. I love writers that make me laugh out loud and share their wit with my husband when he's in the room while I'm reading. One of my most favorite authors is David Sedaris. I found him quite by accident one day years ago while wandering through a bookstore. He writes about growing up as a gay kid with OCD and a totally dysfunctional family. He has a comedic slant on just about everything. I love what he writes! Here's a verbal sampling...
David also has a hilarious sister, Amy Sedaris, that you can check out on YouTube if you need a good laugh. She's very scattered with her thoughts, and may make you wonder if she's on crack, but I think she's an absolute hoot!
Side note...see if you come from a dysfunctional family (like me!) then you can be funny, too!!! I think those of us who are what I'll call Dfunct Survivors are some of the most hilarious people in the world! If only I could write like David....something to work on, eh?
I have two other books, not written by Sedaris, that are on my reading list at the moment. I grabbed Running with Scissors last weekend since it was sitting on my bookshelf, but a friend just loaned me The Art of Racing in the Rain. We'll see where these tales take me....