Let me start by saying that over the past two years I've tried some new things...learning to SCUBA dive, CrossFit workouts and learning to shoot are a few of those new things. And, let me add to that by saying I've been a big chicken about all of it. I'm not good with change and usually end up being a cry-baby at some point because I stress myself out so bad when I'm faced with new challenges. But, I guess the main point that I'm focusing on is that I'm learning to face my fears (with lots of help) and to overcome them! This weekend I can say I've officially crossed my fear of guns (and actually shooting one) off the list. Ok, well maybe not all guns, but at least ones that will fit in my hand comfortably. I don't mean pellet guns or something like that; I mean real fire arms.
My husband has taken me to shoot at a gun range on more than one occasion and I've gotten freaked out and opted out of shooting on more than one occasion. This Saturday we went to an indoor range so that I could rent a gun that would fit my hands better than the 9mm that he has. I still used a 9mm, but it was a Sig Sauer P239, which I could reach my index finger around the trigger.

Of course I started off with my usual song and dance...looking at my husband with teary eyes saying, "I'm just so nervous...I can't do this! My hands are sweating! I can't do this!" Hubby can be a great coach and is always able to walk me through this phase when I let him. He helped me get over my fears when I was learning to SCUBA (and I'm sure he'll be tested again in a few weeks when we go for more dive certifications since my chicken antics like to resurface) and he was very patient with me AGAIN Saturday when I was telling myself I couldn't calm down and fire the stupid gun.
Yep, my eyes watered and I had to focus on my chicken-ass breathing so I wouldn't over-freak out, but he talked me through it and reminded me that I could handle this. (Glad you didn't see me...wiping my palms on my pants over and over, eye balls bulging...I'm sure I looked