Today I am soooo blah! Not in a bad mood; just ready to go home and curl up on the couch with a cozy blanket. I don't even want to turn the tv on. I just need my pups to curl up with me and we can veg-out. My apologies to my number one (and only!) blog fan M for not having better things to say today. I hate it when my brain malfunctions like this! I've looked at other blogs for inspiration and it's as if my mind is absorbing what I'm reading; I'm moderately entertained, but the neurons aren't firing properly. I feel like I could sleep for an entire day! I'm trying to psyche myself up to run this evening, but I'm supposed to work out with my husband tomorrow so I find myself mentally repeating that I can easily blow off today's exercise. Lame...I know! Lazy....yep. But, at this moment I could care less. Wait...I can blame it on hormones! Now I feel tons better.