Sometimes there is nothing more funny than going to my son's baseball games. I'm sure you're familiar with adults getting totally overstimulated by their kids sports, and have seen some of them practically have a heart attack in the bleachers as they scream and yell and carry on while the children are trying to play a game.
Well, youth baseball in Texas is certainly no exception to these behaviors.
Hubby and I derive a ton of entertainment from some of the things we hear other parents and grandparents say at The Little Guy's baseball games. And, hearing all of this chatter and yelling from a bunch of Texans (or other Southerly-rooted people) really takes the cake.
I think one of our favorite lines was from a dad on a former team (years ago) that was infamous for heckling the umpires, the coaches and the players. He was quite older and had a bit of a drinking problem, according to hearsay. At one game he proceeded to yell to the coaches, "Git 'em that hittin' stick." Referring to letting a child bat, of course. Hubby and I laughed uncontrollably at that one and love to repeat it from time to time.
We are on a new team this season. Some of the faces are familiar but there are a lot of new faces, and voices, too. One guy in particular cracks me up. Over the weekend he was decked out in his cowboy hat, Wrangler jeans and ostrich skin boots for our tournament games. His voice certainly has the Texas drawl to match the wardrobe. To top it off he likes to call everyone "Baby." And, I'm not talking about the other parents in the stands, I'm talking about the boys on the team. He's got a comment for every player and frequently these comments end with "Baby."
"Come on, Baby, c'nect (connect) w'that ball!"
"You're there, Baby, way ta go!"
I would love to record a game for you to provide some audio feed. I think you would crack up right along with us. Just imagine a bunch of the following words in the most Southern drawl you can muster...
Git. (instead of get)
Awwwright! (instread of all right)
Swang. (instead of swing)
C'mon Blue! (pleading with an umpire)
And, the all time favorite of mine.... "Git that hittin' stick!"
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Do you ever wonder....
what your neighbors are doing?
I do.
Are they watching a lot of tv? Doing religious studies? Plotting against the neighborhood homeowner's association? Making bombs? Growing some hash? Quilting for charity? Getting wasted? Parked in front of the computer? Having intellectual conversation?
If I could be a fly on the wall.... Well, I wouldn't want to watch any nasty business going on. But, do the adults act like the family from It's a Wonderful Life or the Munster's? Is the Cleaver family living it up somewhere in my neighborhood? Or are the teenagers all distant and scowling in their rooms, the parents cussing the teenagers for not taking care of the chores, the little kids being tended to or are they just running amuck?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a window peeper. But, hey if the blinds are open at night and I'm strolling past.... I'll turn my head to steal a looksie. I also love to see how my neighbors decorate their houses. What kinds of drapes they have, if any; the shape of their furniture; are they contemporary or traditional...that sort of thing.
Granted, I don't want to hear any fighting or screaming. I don't want to hear their dog(s) bark on and on for hours at a time, or hear them bouncing a freaking ball for thirty minutes straight. I want my neighbors to be peaceful. I guess I'm like an old lady already in that department.
If I had a big front porch, with a wonderful swing, I'd sit and swing for the entire evening during the nice weather months, even during thunder storms. Watching the cars go by and the active neighbors take their walks and such. But, I can't sit like that in my backyard. The dogs get bored. I get bored. Unless the neighbors behind me have their horses out and I can watch them run around. But mostly they just eat. Or unless Hubby or The Little Guy will sit and chat with me.
You know what's even more weird about me? I don't even really visit with my neighbors. I wave from a distance. Smile as I pass by with a casual "hello" on occasion. Conversations are rare. And I like it that way. I'm nosy from a distance, and often only in my mind, and I expect my neighbors to be the same.
What do you wonder about at home?
I do.
Are they watching a lot of tv? Doing religious studies? Plotting against the neighborhood homeowner's association? Making bombs? Growing some hash? Quilting for charity? Getting wasted? Parked in front of the computer? Having intellectual conversation?
If I could be a fly on the wall.... Well, I wouldn't want to watch any nasty business going on. But, do the adults act like the family from It's a Wonderful Life or the Munster's? Is the Cleaver family living it up somewhere in my neighborhood? Or are the teenagers all distant and scowling in their rooms, the parents cussing the teenagers for not taking care of the chores, the little kids being tended to or are they just running amuck?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a window peeper. But, hey if the blinds are open at night and I'm strolling past.... I'll turn my head to steal a looksie. I also love to see how my neighbors decorate their houses. What kinds of drapes they have, if any; the shape of their furniture; are they contemporary or traditional...that sort of thing.
Granted, I don't want to hear any fighting or screaming. I don't want to hear their dog(s) bark on and on for hours at a time, or hear them bouncing a freaking ball for thirty minutes straight. I want my neighbors to be peaceful. I guess I'm like an old lady already in that department.
If I had a big front porch, with a wonderful swing, I'd sit and swing for the entire evening during the nice weather months, even during thunder storms. Watching the cars go by and the active neighbors take their walks and such. But, I can't sit like that in my backyard. The dogs get bored. I get bored. Unless the neighbors behind me have their horses out and I can watch them run around. But mostly they just eat. Or unless Hubby or The Little Guy will sit and chat with me.
You know what's even more weird about me? I don't even really visit with my neighbors. I wave from a distance. Smile as I pass by with a casual "hello" on occasion. Conversations are rare. And I like it that way. I'm nosy from a distance, and often only in my mind, and I expect my neighbors to be the same.
What do you wonder about at home?
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Weekend Recap
It's been a great weekend for me, I am happy to report. A busy one, but a great one. Friday evening The Little Guy's baseball games were rained out so Hubby and I took him out to eat. It was a lovely treat for us since eating out is not something we do all that often. After getting home I worked on hemming some jean capris into shorts. (I have another pair of shorts that are too long that I would also like to hem, but the current hem is a bit decorative and I don't want to goof it up. More planning is required before I can tackle this pair, but I'll take pics so you can see how they come out. I love the print on the seersucker fabric, so I want to make sure I don't ruin the shorts.)
Saturday morning The Little Guy and I headed over to my sister's place to meet up with her and two other bridesmaids. (He was a great sport having to tag along with me!) Sissy was trying on wedding dresses at a couple of local wedding shops. We could only stay for the first appointment because The Little Guy had a baseball tournament to participate in since the fields were now dry. We headed back to our side of town around noon, had lunch, then headed for the ball fields. We made it through three games. In the freezing, windy cold. By freezing I mean upper forties, but the windchill made it feel like the thirties. And, when you're sitting in the stands bundled up in blankets and such...well, it makes for an uncomfy six hours. But we survived. After getting home The Little Guy took a very warm shower to get his blood back to a normal temp, and I made all of us hot chocolate. We piled on the couch with the pups with the intention of watching a movie, but all three of us were ready to pass out. Shivering for that long really can wear you out!
Today has been excellent. Beautiful sunny day, a bit breezy, but the temp is back up to seventy. The Little Guy made breakfast for us before church. A lovely treat! Once we got back home he and I played out in the front yard tossing the football, drawing on the sidewalk (we have thing around our house for skulls and flames...) and spent time with the pups. A bit later all three of us went to Starbucks for a treat, then headed over to Lowe's to pick up some herb
s and pepper plants so we could finish our plantings for Spring.
We decided to trim up my favorite willow tree. It looks a lo
t better now. The height really is noticeable now that we thinned out the bulk. The guys had fun playing with the trimmings. They made a bow out of one of the branches, and The
Little Guy whittled some arrows. And, with one of the trimmed branches we planted new little willow. We've heard that willow trees are easy to transplant with cuttings, so I'll let you know how it goes. This is
definitely another experiment!
It has been a very enjoyable day spent mostly outdoors. Now its time to plan dinner, and I'm starved!
I hope you all had a great weekend!
Saturday morning The Little Guy and I headed over to my sister's place to meet up with her and two other bridesmaids. (He was a great sport having to tag along with me!) Sissy was trying on wedding dresses at a couple of local wedding shops. We could only stay for the first appointment because The Little Guy had a baseball tournament to participate in since the fields were now dry. We headed back to our side of town around noon, had lunch, then headed for the ball fields. We made it through three games. In the freezing, windy cold. By freezing I mean upper forties, but the windchill made it feel like the thirties. And, when you're sitting in the stands bundled up in blankets and such...well, it makes for an uncomfy six hours. But we survived. After getting home The Little Guy took a very warm shower to get his blood back to a normal temp, and I made all of us hot chocolate. We piled on the couch with the pups with the intention of watching a movie, but all three of us were ready to pass out. Shivering for that long really can wear you out!
We decided to trim up my favorite willow tree. It looks a lo
It has been a very enjoyable day spent mostly outdoors. Now its time to plan dinner, and I'm starved!
I hope you all had a great weekend!
Friday, March 27, 2009
My sister's blog!
My little sis is getting married!
And, she's started a blog to share her journey. Check her out and you may just want to
become a follower!
And, she's started a blog to share her journey. Check her out and you may just want to
become a follower!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Answers to Ask Away
Friends, let me say thanks for asking away. It has made me smile sooo big to see the questions that have come my way. Here are some answers to a few more that came in yesterday.
Alicia at Murry Mayhem wanted to know if I could change one thing from my past what would it be and why. Honestly, I would change what an angry and rebellious teenager I was. I'm sure some would argue that it made me who I am today, but I made so many bad decisions when I was in high school solely because I was trying to be overly confident and show the world I was doing just fine. I think back to all the friends and family members I pushed away because of my bad attitude, and see the time I lost just being able to enjoy life with those people. Fortunately, some of those relationships have survived and I've been able to somewhat make up for lost time. But, enough damage was done that I live with regret.
I remember one of my oldest friends telling me when we were in our early twenties how confident I was in high school and how she always envied that about me. I had to chuckle and tell her that I guess I had her fooled back then, because in reality I was one scared and troubled kid. What is that old addage.... we spend our twenties getting over our childhood ills, and our thirties getting over the crap we did in our twenties? Something like that....
Saskia from Saskia's Spot asked how I met Hubby and what do I like most about myself. I actually like telling the story of how I met my Hubs. We were both finishing up our Associates degrees and ended up taking a Backpacking class one mini-mester (condensed college semester) in March of 2003. We met for the first time at a brief orientation for the class. We kept making eye contact while the instructor was going over what to expect, then he followed me out of class to introduce himself a bit more and ask what I was studying. I briefly responded to his question then apologized and said I was in a hurry and had somewhere else I had to be. (That was actually true... that night was my women's Bible study group so I was trying not to miss the entire meeting.) Plus, I was a little embarrassed by his attention and didn't know quite how to respond.
We met again at the official pre-backpacking trip orientation that was held at a sporting goods store, and he introduced me to his best friend, also taking the class, and asked if I wanted to go eat breakfast after that. Once again, I had somewhere else I had to go right after that meeting. My son had a teeball game that I was late for. I asked if I could get his number and give him a call later. I plugged him into my phone thinking he would feel I was giving him the brush-off, but really I just had some scheduling conflicts going on. Later he told me he didn't think I would actually call him, but I did! I really was interested in him...he was so handsome and persistent. (He has the most gorgeous blue eyes!) And, he was so genuine with the way he spoke to me. Anyway, to make a long story short, we began dating during the backpacking adventure and the rest is history. We got married in October of 2004 and will be celebrating our fifth wedding anniversary later this year.
To answer Saskia's second question... what do I like most about myself. Hmmmm... Well, honestly I am a huge critic of myself. But, I guess most women are, right? I'm fickle about what I like about myself. Some days I like my eyes a lot (they are big and very green), some days I like my hair. A few days out of each year I tell myself I like my figure or my wardrobe. But, I guess all of that stuff is superficial. So, a little deeper I must go! I like my personality. Don't get me wrong, some days I'm a total be-yatch, but for the most part I'm a pretty smiley happy gal. I like to dance around and be goofy. Some of the oddball stuff that comes out of my mouth and my brain just make my family members chuckle and shake their heads. And, I like being that unpredictable goony dork.
So there you have it, some basic tiddly-bits about me and my life. Feel free to keep the questions coming! I'm totally diggin' the personal interaction with you guys. I would also love to know your responses to the same questions, so comment with your answers, too!
Alicia at Murry Mayhem wanted to know if I could change one thing from my past what would it be and why. Honestly, I would change what an angry and rebellious teenager I was. I'm sure some would argue that it made me who I am today, but I made so many bad decisions when I was in high school solely because I was trying to be overly confident and show the world I was doing just fine. I think back to all the friends and family members I pushed away because of my bad attitude, and see the time I lost just being able to enjoy life with those people. Fortunately, some of those relationships have survived and I've been able to somewhat make up for lost time. But, enough damage was done that I live with regret.
I remember one of my oldest friends telling me when we were in our early twenties how confident I was in high school and how she always envied that about me. I had to chuckle and tell her that I guess I had her fooled back then, because in reality I was one scared and troubled kid. What is that old addage.... we spend our twenties getting over our childhood ills, and our thirties getting over the crap we did in our twenties? Something like that....
Saskia from Saskia's Spot asked how I met Hubby and what do I like most about myself. I actually like telling the story of how I met my Hubs. We were both finishing up our Associates degrees and ended up taking a Backpacking class one mini-mester (condensed college semester) in March of 2003. We met for the first time at a brief orientation for the class. We kept making eye contact while the instructor was going over what to expect, then he followed me out of class to introduce himself a bit more and ask what I was studying. I briefly responded to his question then apologized and said I was in a hurry and had somewhere else I had to be. (That was actually true... that night was my women's Bible study group so I was trying not to miss the entire meeting.) Plus, I was a little embarrassed by his attention and didn't know quite how to respond.
We met again at the official pre-backpacking trip orientation that was held at a sporting goods store, and he introduced me to his best friend, also taking the class, and asked if I wanted to go eat breakfast after that. Once again, I had somewhere else I had to go right after that meeting. My son had a teeball game that I was late for. I asked if I could get his number and give him a call later. I plugged him into my phone thinking he would feel I was giving him the brush-off, but really I just had some scheduling conflicts going on. Later he told me he didn't think I would actually call him, but I did! I really was interested in him...he was so handsome and persistent. (He has the most gorgeous blue eyes!) And, he was so genuine with the way he spoke to me. Anyway, to make a long story short, we began dating during the backpacking adventure and the rest is history. We got married in October of 2004 and will be celebrating our fifth wedding anniversary later this year.
To answer Saskia's second question... what do I like most about myself. Hmmmm... Well, honestly I am a huge critic of myself. But, I guess most women are, right? I'm fickle about what I like about myself. Some days I like my eyes a lot (they are big and very green), some days I like my hair. A few days out of each year I tell myself I like my figure or my wardrobe. But, I guess all of that stuff is superficial. So, a little deeper I must go! I like my personality. Don't get me wrong, some days I'm a total be-yatch, but for the most part I'm a pretty smiley happy gal. I like to dance around and be goofy. Some of the oddball stuff that comes out of my mouth and my brain just make my family members chuckle and shake their heads. And, I like being that unpredictable goony dork.
So there you have it, some basic tiddly-bits about me and my life. Feel free to keep the questions coming! I'm totally diggin' the personal interaction with you guys. I would also love to know your responses to the same questions, so comment with your answers, too!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Share with your friends!
What can I say... I'm in the mood to share a little about myself other than just my opinions. Would you like to see some of my favorite shoes??? Ok, ok... I know you're totally excited. A ginormous thanks to Karen at A Peek at Karen's World for asking me THE first question from my last post... "If you had to give up blogging or chocolate, which would you choose and why? " I must confess I would give up chocolate over blogging! I would be lost without my blog and the blogs that I love to read each day. And, I'm kind of resourceful when it comes to sweets... I love cobblers, pies, gum, jolly ranchers, oatmeal raisin cookies.... I could get around the lack of shock-o-lot rather easily I must admit!
So here are my new faves, in addition to those top siders I blogged about last week... these little cuties are from Target and are still available for anyone interested. Perfect little comfies for summer if you ask me!
The next set are my serious standy-bys. I mean I wear these things all the time. The gray boots are Steve Madden and they look amazing with skinny jeans.
I think that's all I've worn them with, maybe with a dress and some tights...can't remember at the moment. The brown pumps, also Steve Madden, I wear to work A LOT! You can probably tell by the scuffs. I'm pretty hard on my shoes. I wear my faves until they are just too embarrassing to be seen out in public in. (Kind of like my toes right now...desparate for a pedicure!)
The little red numbers are some serious faves, too. The suede pumps (more Steve Madden) with the little bows...they totally make me feel like Dorothy from Oz, just without the sparkle. But, they are very painful to wear for more than a few hours at a time. Literally, my big toes go numb. The patent red ones are actually from Guess and I've already worn them once this Spring since the weather is warming. I love the pumps with platforms that make me tall(er)! I'm only 5' 1" tall, so I need all the help I can get.
Another little tidbit... I love looking at this magazine. Nylon. Check it out. I don't really read it from cover to cover, but I look at the fashionable pics and get ideas for different looks that are out there. It's rather punkish, which I'm totally diggin'. Its got a lot of style cues from London in there. I think I was British in a past life. Well, if I really believed in past lives, that is. I just like saying that. Like it gives me an excuse to have alter egos. Who doesn't need a few of those???
What's that? You demand I share more? You're on!
So here are my new faves, in addition to those top siders I blogged about last week... these little cuties are from Target and are still available for anyone interested. Perfect little comfies for summer if you ask me!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Ask Away!
Ok, in true Attention Deficit fashion....I'm switching gears.
Ask me some questions. What would you like to know? I wish I could right all the world's wrongs, but until that day arrives, let me know what you might wonder when you come to my blog and when you read my strange thoughts.
Is there anything that you're curious about?
Ask me some questions. What would you like to know? I wish I could right all the world's wrongs, but until that day arrives, let me know what you might wonder when you come to my blog and when you read my strange thoughts.
Is there anything that you're curious about?
Anything at all?????
A nickel for your thoughts...
I have been mentally dragging along so far this week. I'm doing things at home and at work, but mentally I feel as if I checked out. Just going through the motions. I've been feeling that way spiritually speaking, too. What's my deal?
The weather has been beautiful, I've had time to myself, I've had amazing one-on-one time with both The Little Guy and Hubby. I've been feelin' the love from the pups, but when don't I feel that. I've gotten to see some old friends (even if it was at a funeral). I've got a stable job. I got an early birthday present last night from Hubby...some quilting classes, four to be exact, where I'll actually complete a project under the guidance of a professional.
When I'm at work I want to be at home. When I'm at home I want to be working on a project. When I'm working on a project I want to spend quality time with my fellas. When I'm spending quality time with them I think about all the other things I should be doing, too. Like chores. When I'm doing chores I can't wait to hurry up and finish so I can relax. When I relax I feel guilty because I should be doing something.
Mental whirlwind in my head. It's driving me mad. I wonder what it's like to be one of those people who are comfy with what they are doing at any given moment, able to absorb all the meaningful things and give thanks for the experience, no matter what it is. I feel very A.D.D. these days. More so than usual. No true focus.
Any advice on how to get the focus back? Lucy, is the doctor in? I've got a nickel....
The weather has been beautiful, I've had time to myself, I've had amazing one-on-one time with both The Little Guy and Hubby. I've been feelin' the love from the pups, but when don't I feel that. I've gotten to see some old friends (even if it was at a funeral). I've got a stable job. I got an early birthday present last night from Hubby...some quilting classes, four to be exact, where I'll actually complete a project under the guidance of a professional.
When I'm at work I want to be at home. When I'm at home I want to be working on a project. When I'm working on a project I want to spend quality time with my fellas. When I'm spending quality time with them I think about all the other things I should be doing, too. Like chores. When I'm doing chores I can't wait to hurry up and finish so I can relax. When I relax I feel guilty because I should be doing something.
Mental whirlwind in my head. It's driving me mad. I wonder what it's like to be one of those people who are comfy with what they are doing at any given moment, able to absorb all the meaningful things and give thanks for the experience, no matter what it is. I feel very A.D.D. these days. More so than usual. No true focus.

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Glorious Morning... and thoughts such as this
What a glorious Saturday morning! Spring is here, my pups are keeping me company as I type, sleeping on fresh sheets was amazing, I found some great tunes to play from hollylynn's blog while I'm blogging (thanks for that sweet dose of indoor sunshine, hollylynn!), and my day is totally open to whatever comes naturally. Including getting a surprise visit from The Little Guy for the day!
A sweet surprise I found yesterday... K
aren gave me an award! Thank you, Karen! Check out her blog...
Now I must list seven things that I love, then pass this award on to seven bloggers that bring me tons of joy!
1. I love my much. I get so much enjoyment out of spending time with them! 2. I love green tea and coffee...but not mixed together, of course. 3. I love, and I mean absolutely LOVE, blogging! Reading, writing, observing your lives and thoughts... it's heavenly! 4. I love making things, even though I have recently learned I need a significant amount of training in the quilting much for thinking I'm good at it! 5. I love spending time with my good friends. I had an amazing dose of quality friendship time last night, and I was w/o camera...that sucked but not enough to ruin the night. 6. I love being outdoors when the weather is warm, sunny, breezy.... it doesn't get any better than that! 7. I love the love that my dogs send my way... total adoration and sweetness. I have many more blessings in my life but I'll spare you the continuation of mushiness. For now.
I would like to pass this Kreative Blogger Award to... The Rambler, Fabulously Frugalicious, If I Were Really Skinny, Simple Beans, Lyndsay, Philigry and Saskia. I could go on and on!
A sweet surprise I found yesterday... K

Now I must list seven things that I love, then pass this award on to seven bloggers that bring me tons of joy!
1. I love my much. I get so much enjoyment out of spending time with them! 2. I love green tea and coffee...but not mixed together, of course. 3. I love, and I mean absolutely LOVE, blogging! Reading, writing, observing your lives and thoughts... it's heavenly! 4. I love making things, even though I have recently learned I need a significant amount of training in the quilting much for thinking I'm good at it! 5. I love spending time with my good friends. I had an amazing dose of quality friendship time last night, and I was w/o camera...that sucked but not enough to ruin the night. 6. I love being outdoors when the weather is warm, sunny, breezy.... it doesn't get any better than that! 7. I love the love that my dogs send my way... total adoration and sweetness. I have many more blessings in my life but I'll spare you the continuation of mushiness. For now.
I would like to pass this Kreative Blogger Award to... The Rambler, Fabulously Frugalicious, If I Were Really Skinny, Simple Beans, Lyndsay, Philigry and Saskia. I could go on and on!
I hope you have a wonderful Springy weekend!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Boat Shoes

"No! You must wear these with capris, shorts, the new boyfriend style of jeans... Things like that." Oh. It was then explained to me what the new boyfriend style of jeans is. The new style courtesy of Katy Holmes wearing her crazy husband's drawers out shopping.
I'm not as UP on the fashion do's and dont's as Mom and Sis. They try to keep me in tune, but some days I just walk around clueless in whatever garb I decided to throw together.
So, today I'm wearing my boat shoes (a.k.a. Top Siders) to work. With jeans that are turned up because they are a bit long for me. I'm not sure if my outfit would meet with their approval, but I was dying to wear these comfy walk-abouts today. I think I'll keep them on even after I get home, too. I love them that much. Future outfits may have to be coordinated with these shoes in mind.
I think I've gone grandpa. But, I still love these shoes!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Yesterday we planted a Patio tomato plant in my beautiful bright blue pot (which I adore), and we planted...
a Pink Jasmine vine that is supposed to climb all over the iron fence along our backyard. It smells amazing! We are looking forward to watching these little beauties blossom!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Wonderful Wednesday!
I must admit I'm excited about today. Granted, I had to go back to work today after taking Monday and Tuesday off, but its still a great day. The weather is beautiful...I think Spring is truly here for us in Texas... and I sooo enjoyed my time off.
Spending time this past weekend with my mom, my sis and my son was amazing. And yesterday, Hubby and I took our Doberman to a local nature preserve and hiked the trails. It was four miles of loveliness that included woods, cacti, flowers, cat tails (and some mud) and we all three had a blast.
Today is also the official start of my new work schedule where I get to leave the office at 3:30 each afternoon. I'm sooo hoping that nothing comes up to keep me past that time. I can't wait to head home and see my family as well as get out into the beautiful sunny weather. Tonight there is also a quick Wednesday Mass that I'm looking forward to being part of.
I hope you all are having a fabulous Wednesday, too!
Spending time this past weekend with my mom, my sis and my son was amazing. And yesterday, Hubby and I took our Doberman to a local nature preserve and hiked the trails. It was four miles of loveliness that included woods, cacti, flowers, cat tails (and some mud) and we all three had a blast.
Today is also the official start of my new work schedule where I get to leave the office at 3:30 each afternoon. I'm sooo hoping that nothing comes up to keep me past that time. I can't wait to head home and see my family as well as get out into the beautiful sunny weather. Tonight there is also a quick Wednesday Mass that I'm looking forward to being part of.
I hope you all are having a fabulous Wednesday, too!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Virtual Hawaiian Tour
Thank you all for your patience while I've been out of town! One of these days I'll figure out mobile blogging so I can take you with me. Until then....
San Antonio was a lot of fun. It rained most of the trip and we had to stay a bit on the bundled up side, but yesterday's weather was was in the 70's before we left and it was nice and sunny. We took the River Walk water taxi tour which was a nice send off for us.
Well, now for some great news! My good bloggy friend The Rambler is graciously acting as my guest blogger for the day! You may remember that she and I have been working on putting together virtual trips where she takes me to Hawaii and I bring her to Texas. Please read on so you can learn of our wonderful virtual bloggy-friend date from one side of the Pacific Ocean to the other! Be sure to visit her site later today as she'll be posting my guest blog.
I can't tell you how excited I am that Shorty and I are virtual vacationing at each others home town. I have my bloggy suitcase ready with all my bloggy boots, bloggy cowgirl hat, cowgirl shirt and some Wranglers...(Too much? Shorty? Stop shaking your head :)
But before I tear outta here I have to tell you about HER trip HERE.
Yes. To Bloggy Hawaii. We are bloggy stealthy like that.
Can you believe it?
Look, it's all they had alright!

Totally not me....but maybe on the good dream days I look as pretty as this.

We take our bloggy selves into the Arizona Memorial. We check out the museum first to see photos, and artifacts from both the American AND Japanese side. We stand in line for our turn to watch the movie that tells the story of that day. After our movie, and a tear or two, we leave out a different door that leads us to the boats operated by the Navy that takes us out to this photo above. When we step off the boat and walk up and in the memorial that sits over the sunken ship of the USS Arizona, we sense the quiet respect that all seem to be abiding by. We see the wall with all the names that lost their lives that day and reflect a little of the many lives changed that day, of a country that changed that day.
We peer over and maybe will get a glimpse of the oil that drips upwards toward the surface from the ship.
And it's our time to go back to shore. Riding back on the boat most of us are silent but you see the reflection on just how this day is, being in this same harbor where many ships were on fire, and that Japanese planes were zipping in and firing. It's very humbling.
Shorty and I leave this place.
But the place and it's history really stays with us.
Shorty enjoys anything to do with fitness and of course in her bloggy suitcase had packed her hiking shoes and hot looking hiking outfit...
(I think she ESP'd that special someone was gonna be our ALL DAY Driver).

But..... Shorty and Hottie Limo Driver are all ready to go down and on to the next stop.
DAMN. :)

I wave at Shorty and Hottie Limo Driver from shore as she enjoys the water and what's below.

Gosh, I need a small snack......wonder if Shorty will be OK with this?
The Hawaiian Plate. It varies from place to place but the standard (in my book at least) should be
Poi (Taro), Kalua Pork, Laulau, Lomi Lomi Salmon and Haupia (coconut dessert)

Or if you want something fast....The Ever Faithful SPAM MUSUBI
It's fast, its quick and it yum. Rice, Spam and a little Nori (Japanese Seaweed)

I know, I all are like. SPAM? Really?
Like 95% of Hawaii has a can in their cupboard. That's not an official fact, but my official opinion.
Fine, how about something like this cone of yumminess?

Wiping mouth and burping like the lady I am....we head off.
We do a bloggy drive by past all the popular beaches on the North Shore.
Shorty's camera goes off like she's got Paparazzi in her blood.
I decide to show her 'Iolani Palace real quick for some Hawaiian History.
The official residence of the last ruling monarchs of Hawaii.
King Kalakaua & his sister Queen Lili'uokalani.


And then quickly over to the Bishop Museum. A place that holds artifacts of Hawaii's people and it's past. A place to learn more about this island in the middle of the Pacific that is more then beaches, luaus and shave ice. A place to learn about the people that inhabited this place long before our grandparents were thought of.

There are so many things I want to share more with Shorty, but our time is short (no pun intended Shorty! Okay, maybe just a little bit).
So to end our time together, please enjoy this video of a hula performance taken from the yearly Merrie Monarch Festival. My real life BFF recently danced to this song at her grandmothers funeral.
The song, Ka Nohona Pili Kai, is sung by Kealii Reichel


San Antonio was a lot of fun. It rained most of the trip and we had to stay a bit on the bundled up side, but yesterday's weather was was in the 70's before we left and it was nice and sunny. We took the River Walk water taxi tour which was a nice send off for us.
Well, now for some great news! My good bloggy friend The Rambler is graciously acting as my guest blogger for the day! You may remember that she and I have been working on putting together virtual trips where she takes me to Hawaii and I bring her to Texas. Please read on so you can learn of our wonderful virtual bloggy-friend date from one side of the Pacific Ocean to the other! Be sure to visit her site later today as she'll be posting my guest blog.
I can't tell you how excited I am that Shorty and I are virtual vacationing at each others home town. I have my bloggy suitcase ready with all my bloggy boots, bloggy cowgirl hat, cowgirl shirt and some Wranglers...(Too much? Shorty? Stop shaking your head :)
But before I tear outta here I have to tell you about HER trip HERE.
Yes. To Bloggy Hawaii. We are bloggy stealthy like that.
Can you believe it?
In true bloggy fashion I sent a jet to Big Ol Texas to pick up my pal....

The pilot and flight attendants are very attentive and perky....a little plastic but Shorty's not complaining. She's fed Mai Tai's and Lava Flows all the way over.
Finally, while waiting a, long bloggy time. Her ride pulls in.
And you know that if you EVER come to Hawaii and someone is here to greet you there SHOULD always be this...

Shorty and I squealed, hugged, squealed some more, hugged again like a bunch of school girls that just got their boy crushes to look at them.
Because we will be too busy talking, drinking coffee, Mai Tai's, and such I had to make sure we were driven by a special hunky Hottie that I just know Shorty will die when she sees him....
Because we will be too busy talking, drinking coffee, Mai Tai's, and such I had to make sure we were driven by a special hunky Hottie that I just know Shorty will die when she sees him....

Um, look. He asked if he needed to dress more "professional" and I was like....uh NO.
After she shakes Mr. Hottie Limo Driver's hand for about....forever, we take off on our first stop. Our first stop is the MUST DO when in Hawaii.

We take our bloggy selves into the Arizona Memorial. We check out the museum first to see photos, and artifacts from both the American AND Japanese side. We stand in line for our turn to watch the movie that tells the story of that day. After our movie, and a tear or two, we leave out a different door that leads us to the boats operated by the Navy that takes us out to this photo above. When we step off the boat and walk up and in the memorial that sits over the sunken ship of the USS Arizona, we sense the quiet respect that all seem to be abiding by. We see the wall with all the names that lost their lives that day and reflect a little of the many lives changed that day, of a country that changed that day.
We peer over and maybe will get a glimpse of the oil that drips upwards toward the surface from the ship.
And it's our time to go back to shore. Riding back on the boat most of us are silent but you see the reflection on just how this day is, being in this same harbor where many ships were on fire, and that Japanese planes were zipping in and firing. It's very humbling.
Shorty and I leave this place.
But the place and it's history really stays with us.
I decide to put my body through hell and tell HottieLimoDriver to take us to Diamond Head Crater. Yup, a dormant volcano folks. Don't you want to go home and say you went INSIDE a volcano. Without sacrifice of a virginal male? (Isn't that what they ask for?)

(I think she ESP'd that special someone was gonna be our ALL DAY Driver).
Of course I hike!
Like almost everyday....(I quickly brush away the cobwebs and promise the spider family that has made my hiking shoes home that it will be back, this using them thing is only temporary.)
And we take off, together at first, until Shorty & HottieLimoDriver decide they'll go jogging UP Diamond Head.
I mumble grumble (to myself) that I need to work out more.
I mumble grumble (to myself) that I need to work out more.

I have reached the top, FINALLY, out of breath, swearing like a sailor, and thanking whoever that I can, and sit for a second to catch my life.
It apparently left me halfway down the crater.
It apparently left me halfway down the crater.
But..... Shorty and Hottie Limo Driver are all ready to go down and on to the next stop.
DAMN. :)
We bloggy drive to Haunama Bay. A beautiful beach reserve that is a natural aquarium of all types of sea life. And I do mean EVERYTHING. (insert Jaws Theme song)
This island girl is....(don't gasp).... scared of the ocean past my knees.
(Again, insert Jaws Theme music)
This island girl is....(don't gasp).... scared of the ocean past my knees.
(Again, insert Jaws Theme music)

I wave at Shorty and Hottie Limo Driver from shore as she enjoys the water and what's below.

We scurry along to another Must See location. The Old Pali Lookout. Check out my old post I did on my Halloween Ghost Hunt in Hawaii which has some background on this great place to visit.

The Hawaiian Plate. It varies from place to place but the standard (in my book at least) should be
Poi (Taro), Kalua Pork, Laulau, Lomi Lomi Salmon and Haupia (coconut dessert)

Or if you want something fast....The Ever Faithful SPAM MUSUBI
It's fast, its quick and it yum. Rice, Spam and a little Nori (Japanese Seaweed)

I know, I all are like. SPAM? Really?
Like 95% of Hawaii has a can in their cupboard. That's not an official fact, but my official opinion.
Fine, how about something like this cone of yumminess?
The Shave Ice.

Wiping mouth and burping like the lady I am....we head off.
We do a bloggy drive by past all the popular beaches on the North Shore.
Shorty's camera goes off like she's got Paparazzi in her blood.
I decide to show her 'Iolani Palace real quick for some Hawaiian History.
The official residence of the last ruling monarchs of Hawaii.
King Kalakaua & his sister Queen Lili'uokalani.

And then quickly over to the Bishop Museum. A place that holds artifacts of Hawaii's people and it's past. A place to learn more about this island in the middle of the Pacific that is more then beaches, luaus and shave ice. A place to learn about the people that inhabited this place long before our grandparents were thought of.

There are so many things I want to share more with Shorty, but our time is short (no pun intended Shorty! Okay, maybe just a little bit).
So to end our time together, please enjoy this video of a hula performance taken from the yearly Merrie Monarch Festival. My real life BFF recently danced to this song at her grandmothers funeral.
The song, Ka Nohona Pili Kai, is sung by Kealii Reichel
Thank you Readers of Securityville! For joining Shorty and I on our journey through my hometown. Hopefully you will stop by my place to see MY adventures in the big state of Texas.
This local girl is turning Cowgirl....Yeehaw!
This local girl is turning Cowgirl....Yeehaw!


Thursday, March 12, 2009
Craving for Crafting
I haven't picked up my crafty stuff since Sunday and I'm really, really missing it. I can't get over just how much I love to make things! Granted, I am a little stuck on those baby caps at the moment, but they are just so comforting to make! And easy breezy! I'm going out of town tomorrow and I'm planning on taking some of my supplies with me so that I can make more on the plane and when I have down time in the hotel.
My mom, my sister, the Little Guy and me are all heading to south Texas for a weekend getaway. Its supposed to be rainy and chilly all weekend, not the best vacationing type of weather, but I can't wait to be reunited with them just like old times. The first trip the four of us took together the Little Guy was five weeks old and we went to Gruene, Texas for a weekend. We strolled around the little town, stayed at a great place called the Gruene Mansion Inn with a beautiful little private porch fully equipped with rocking chairs, overlooking the Guadalupe River. This time we'll be in San Antonio. Mom's got rain panchos ready and waiting! We are going to look so stylish as we tour the Alamo!
My mom, my sister, the Little Guy and me are all heading to south Texas for a weekend getaway. Its supposed to be rainy and chilly all weekend, not the best vacationing type of weather, but I can't wait to be reunited with them just like old times. The first trip the four of us took together the Little Guy was five weeks old and we went to Gruene, Texas for a weekend. We strolled around the little town, stayed at a great place called the Gruene Mansion Inn with a beautiful little private porch fully equipped with rocking chairs, overlooking the Guadalupe River. This time we'll be in San Antonio. Mom's got rain panchos ready and waiting! We are going to look so stylish as we tour the Alamo!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Crocheted Creations
I know its the middle of the week now, but I've finally got some pics to share with you of my crocheted creations this past weekend.
The first pictures are of the cowl collar that I made after seeing the one that Jenni at Simple Beans had made. Mine came out a bit differently, which could be because our yarns were totally different. My yarn is very slippery and wouldn't hold a steady shape very well, so I stitched it into the shape that I liked. Then I added a button because I didn't want to have to pull it over my head. I'm one of those girls that tries to spray her hair just so, and wouldn't want my make up to get on the collar, so the button option was the way to go for me.

The next picture is of the preemie baby caps that I made for the church donation project. I'm hoping to make a total of 10 to donate this month. I got this pattern from Jenni, too. It's very easy to follow and I can whip up one of these in about 40 minutes.
A huge thanks to Jenni for the patterns. (I'm always snagging stuff from her site! She's my craft guru!) This is such a relaxing hobby for me! Now, if I can just get back to finishing that quilt...
The first pictures are of the cowl collar that I made after seeing the one that Jenni at Simple Beans had made. Mine came out a bit differently, which could be because our yarns were totally different. My yarn is very slippery and wouldn't hold a steady shape very well, so I stitched it into the shape that I liked. Then I added a button because I didn't want to have to pull it over my head. I'm one of those girls that tries to spray her hair just so, and wouldn't want my make up to get on the collar, so the button option was the way to go for me.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Poor little girls...
Last night the Little Guy and I had to stop by a pharmacy after his baseball game. When I was deciding where to park I noticed some people standing outside of their vehicles. One guy looked to be getting into his car, while the other lady next to him looked to be standing outside of her van. I parked one space over from the guy leaving, so that was two spaces over from the lady next to the van. I didn't pay it much more attention than that right then.
We were in the store less than 10 minutes. When we came out I noticed the guy had left, but there were more adults standing around the minivan. Hmmm...I thought. I wonder if the car is broken down. Then I noticed two little blonde-headed girls standing just outside the open sliding door of the van. One was maybe six years old and the other one younger. Hair totally dishevled, standing there patiently with small smiles watching me and my son get into our car, receiving no regard from the adults that they were with.
I noticed one man lighting up his cigarette. I noticed the same lady standing in the same spot staring inside the van, as if something was going to engage her from there. Another man, who must've been the driver, came around the back of the van lighting a cigarette. We briefly made eye contact. And another woman, with crutches was trying to get out of the front passenger door.
Then I saw all the Budweiser cans. The "tall boys". The littlest girl picked one of the empty cans up and extended it over for the staring lady to inspect. The lady yelled at the little girl something I didn't make out. We got in the car and I asked the Little Guy to hand me my phone from my purse. He knew exactly what my plan was. I immediately called 911.
I reported those idiot adults as being intoxicated with two young girls in their charge, beer cans evident throughout the inside of the van. I didn't get a plate number because of the direction I left the parking lot, but gave as much of a vehicle description as I could. The adults alone would make the scene easily identifiable if the police could make it there quickly. Hubby was on his way home from a weekend trip so when I got back home (about five minutes later) I called to tell him what I had seen and done. Amazingly enough he was exiting the main highway, not far from the pharmacy, and decided to pass by to see what I had seen. The police were there....four police cars to be exact. The adults were appeared to be getting arrested, and the little girls were being talked to by the police.
I felt bad, hoping that these poor little girls would not have to end up in a court system. I hoped that they had a nice, normal relative that could take over their care instead. But, I also thought that these little girls deserved so much more than to be passed over for a need for alcohol, or whatever else those four adults were up to. They deserved more than to be yelled at for picking up an empty beer can. They deserves to have their hair combed, to be clean and well cared for, to be taught that they are valuable and loved. I hope those little girls grow up knowing they are worth more than what those adults were doing to them. I hope they don't repeat that cycle.
I prayed for the girls, and as much as I didn't want to, for those adults.
We were in the store less than 10 minutes. When we came out I noticed the guy had left, but there were more adults standing around the minivan. Hmmm...I thought. I wonder if the car is broken down. Then I noticed two little blonde-headed girls standing just outside the open sliding door of the van. One was maybe six years old and the other one younger. Hair totally dishevled, standing there patiently with small smiles watching me and my son get into our car, receiving no regard from the adults that they were with.
I noticed one man lighting up his cigarette. I noticed the same lady standing in the same spot staring inside the van, as if something was going to engage her from there. Another man, who must've been the driver, came around the back of the van lighting a cigarette. We briefly made eye contact. And another woman, with crutches was trying to get out of the front passenger door.
Then I saw all the Budweiser cans. The "tall boys". The littlest girl picked one of the empty cans up and extended it over for the staring lady to inspect. The lady yelled at the little girl something I didn't make out. We got in the car and I asked the Little Guy to hand me my phone from my purse. He knew exactly what my plan was. I immediately called 911.
I reported those idiot adults as being intoxicated with two young girls in their charge, beer cans evident throughout the inside of the van. I didn't get a plate number because of the direction I left the parking lot, but gave as much of a vehicle description as I could. The adults alone would make the scene easily identifiable if the police could make it there quickly. Hubby was on his way home from a weekend trip so when I got back home (about five minutes later) I called to tell him what I had seen and done. Amazingly enough he was exiting the main highway, not far from the pharmacy, and decided to pass by to see what I had seen. The police were there....four police cars to be exact. The adults were appeared to be getting arrested, and the little girls were being talked to by the police.
I felt bad, hoping that these poor little girls would not have to end up in a court system. I hoped that they had a nice, normal relative that could take over their care instead. But, I also thought that these little girls deserved so much more than to be passed over for a need for alcohol, or whatever else those four adults were up to. They deserved more than to be yelled at for picking up an empty beer can. They deserves to have their hair combed, to be clean and well cared for, to be taught that they are valuable and loved. I hope those little girls grow up knowing they are worth more than what those adults were doing to them. I hope they don't repeat that cycle.
I prayed for the girls, and as much as I didn't want to, for those adults.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Lots accomplished!
Well, my weekend to myself has drawn to a close. I must admit I'm grateful to type those words. As nice as it was to call the shots all weekend, I'm ready to have my husband and son back with me today!
I accomplished a lot this weekend. Friday night I made a list of what I needed to get done, and Saturday morning I got up at 7 am and got started. I stayed motivated, knocked out chores and other responsibilities that I hadn't had time for during the weekdays, and even added in a little time for my crafts.
I can't wait to show you what I made. (I'm sorry I don't have pics ready for today, but my camera stopped working about a month ago so I have to borrow the Little Guy's or Hubby's to take my pics now. I'll snap some this evening for tomorrow's post.) I was able to crochet four preemie baby caps for my church neonatal i.c.u. donation project, and Friday night I finished up the crocheted cowl collar that I started earlier in the week. I was really pleased with how everything turned out!
I am able to get to work this morning with a pretty clean car is washed and vacuumed, my floors at home are vacuumed/swept/mopped, the furniture has all been dusted and wiped down, the dogs were given their monthly heartworm preventative, I got caught up on my Lenten book study (C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters), went to church Sunday morning, fixed myself decent meals all weekend and managed not to hit up Starbucks (even though that was on my to do list for a treat), pulled weeds in the front and back yard, and managed to spend some quality time with friends Saturday night.
On a funny side note, I gave up alchohol for Lent. It's only 40 days of not partaking of wine outside of Communion, no big deal, right? It really hasn't been a big deal for me. But, my friends are practically having a cow. "Are you pregnant?" "Why won't you have a glass of wine?" "Are you sure I can't get you something?" I've been cracking up at how a few of my friends can't stand it that I'm not having a drink with them. I tell them that its only temporary...I'll partake of the beverage again soon, but I'm actually enjoying my sacrifice right now. It feels good to be sticking with my plan since I'm not the always most disciplined person in the world.
As for working out....well, I still didn't make it to the gym this weekend. I kept telling myself that I was staying very active with all the chores and yardwork. I know its not the same, but I justified my lack of exercise anyway. Perhaps I'll get back to working out this week. I'm not too worried about it at this point. Maybe that's the problem.....
I accomplished a lot this weekend. Friday night I made a list of what I needed to get done, and Saturday morning I got up at 7 am and got started. I stayed motivated, knocked out chores and other responsibilities that I hadn't had time for during the weekdays, and even added in a little time for my crafts.
I can't wait to show you what I made. (I'm sorry I don't have pics ready for today, but my camera stopped working about a month ago so I have to borrow the Little Guy's or Hubby's to take my pics now. I'll snap some this evening for tomorrow's post.) I was able to crochet four preemie baby caps for my church neonatal i.c.u. donation project, and Friday night I finished up the crocheted cowl collar that I started earlier in the week. I was really pleased with how everything turned out!
I am able to get to work this morning with a pretty clean car is washed and vacuumed, my floors at home are vacuumed/swept/mopped, the furniture has all been dusted and wiped down, the dogs were given their monthly heartworm preventative, I got caught up on my Lenten book study (C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters), went to church Sunday morning, fixed myself decent meals all weekend and managed not to hit up Starbucks (even though that was on my to do list for a treat), pulled weeds in the front and back yard, and managed to spend some quality time with friends Saturday night.
On a funny side note, I gave up alchohol for Lent. It's only 40 days of not partaking of wine outside of Communion, no big deal, right? It really hasn't been a big deal for me. But, my friends are practically having a cow. "Are you pregnant?" "Why won't you have a glass of wine?" "Are you sure I can't get you something?" I've been cracking up at how a few of my friends can't stand it that I'm not having a drink with them. I tell them that its only temporary...I'll partake of the beverage again soon, but I'm actually enjoying my sacrifice right now. It feels good to be sticking with my plan since I'm not the always most disciplined person in the world.
As for working out....well, I still didn't make it to the gym this weekend. I kept telling myself that I was staying very active with all the chores and yardwork. I know its not the same, but I justified my lack of exercise anyway. Perhaps I'll get back to working out this week. I'm not too worried about it at this point. Maybe that's the problem.....
How was your weekend?
Friday, March 6, 2009
What to post, what to post...

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Signature Scent
Thank you, Saskia, for tagging me! I've been asked what is my signature scent. During the colder months I like to wear Eupohria by Calvin Klein. I absolutely love it!

And, on warmer days I like to wear Bright Crystal by Versace. I love this one, too! I'm also a fan of Coco Mademoiselle, but it's not often that I wear it.

I'm going to tag Rambler, Mandy Rose, Trina and MC!
thankful cheese
As I was browsing through blog posts this morning, and catching up on some of your writings and thoughts, I was reminded of just how much I freakin' love this blog thing. I know, I know... I've blah...blah...blah'd about it before, but I am just so grateful for being introduced to blogging by my friend MC.
I receive such joy and fulfillment each time I log in to my account...seeing the new stuff from the blogs I follow, thinking of things I want to share with you guys, and most of all reading your feedback! The interaction is amazing, even if we aren't able to speak or see each other. I love it. I was hooked from day one.
So, thanks to all of you for making my life more enjoyable with your words and your thoughts; thanks to all of you for making me smile, laugh out loud, sometimes cry and sometimes wonder where in the heck you are coming from. I love our virtual world.... I really, really do!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Honey-Do...please oh please do!
I have a request for my Hubby, but I want to announce it to the world because I'm about to show you something very cutesy and desperately sought after by... me!
I adore t
his fabric swatch... I've been admiring it online for weeks! I keep thinking that my desire to have it will fade, but no such luck. So, with my birthday just around the corner (36 days away to be exact) I am going to ask Hubby to buy me this as a present. (I need two yards, please...note that it's sold in half yards...)
Well, not just that fabric, but this fabric, too.
(Note that I'll need one yard of this one... also sold in half yard increments.)

And, not just the additional fabric, but this little pattern so I can make this fancy schmancy little purse!
This can all be found at the Heather Bailey Store. So glad I found her site. You should check it out...she makes beautiful stuff! (and, one more thing for my Hubby...just click on each picture for ease of ordering.)
This is one post that I hope he reads in its entirety and makes a note of!
I adore t

Well, not just that fabric, but this fabric, too.


And, not just the additional fabric, but this little pattern so I can make this fancy schmancy little purse!
This can all be found at the Heather Bailey Store. So glad I found her site. You should check it out...she makes beautiful stuff! (and, one more thing for my Hubby...just click on each picture for ease of ordering.)
This is one post that I hope he reads in its entirety and makes a note of!
Monday, March 2, 2009
If you could have anything....
what would it be? I find myself thinking more and more often that I want more time. More time to work on self-indulgent projects, more time to spend at home, more time to be creative with my son, more time to take long walks in beautiful weather with Hubby, the Little Guy and the pups.
And, I would like to spend less time at work. Which, fortunately for me, that wish is going to come true! Sort of... We are having a schedule change in two weeks. I will still have to work five days each week, and still get to work by seven a.m., however I will get off work each day at three-thirty in the afternoon! I can't wait! I'm so excited about this. I'm confident that I will then have more time for my self-indulgent projects, more time to spend at home, more time to be creative with my son, and for long walks with my family. Just in time for Spring!
For the longest time I've thought that my old work schedule of four nine hour days (Mondays thru Thursdays) and one four hour day (on Fridays) was so special. Then we started realizing just how unproductive Fridays had become at work. So, the need for an eight hour day, five days per work week evolved. Shorter work days for me... easier commutes home each afternoon since I won't be hitting rush hour... I love it. I just have a huge feeling that my afternoons are going to feel sooooo good. The change will become effective on March 16th. Did I mention I can't wait????
And, I would like to spend less time at work. Which, fortunately for me, that wish is going to come true! Sort of... We are having a schedule change in two weeks. I will still have to work five days each week, and still get to work by seven a.m., however I will get off work each day at three-thirty in the afternoon! I can't wait! I'm so excited about this. I'm confident that I will then have more time for my self-indulgent projects, more time to spend at home, more time to be creative with my son, and for long walks with my family. Just in time for Spring!
For the longest time I've thought that my old work schedule of four nine hour days (Mondays thru Thursdays) and one four hour day (on Fridays) was so special. Then we started realizing just how unproductive Fridays had become at work. So, the need for an eight hour day, five days per work week evolved. Shorter work days for me... easier commutes home each afternoon since I won't be hitting rush hour... I love it. I just have a huge feeling that my afternoons are going to feel sooooo good. The change will become effective on March 16th. Did I mention I can't wait????
What are you wishing for?
And, better yet... do you think that wish will come true?
And, better yet... do you think that wish will come true?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Potholder Progress
I was able to finish the potholder today, however it is not the entirely Magic version that I was trying to produce. That version is able to be folded in a way that creates a smooth square, and mine didn't want to fold. So, I stitched the top sides together which is why you see the scalloped edge. If I had done it exactly right you would see four sides that are all the same. Oh well... I piddled with it over and over last night and decided that I liked my scalloped edge just fine. Matter of fact it makes me like it even more...since it screams having my touch to the design, whether that was my original intention or not. It's really thick and I can't wait to try it out in my kitchen!

So, there it is... my potholder! Any thoughts? I think now I'm going to start this neck wrap that I found at Simple Beans made by Jenni. I have some great green yarn that I think will be just the thing...
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