I have a request for my Hubby, but I want to announce it to the world because I'm about to show you something very cutesy and desperately sought after by...
me!I adore t

his fabric swatch... I've been admiring it online for weeks! I keep thinking that my desire to have it will fade, but no such luck. So, with my birthday just around the corner (36 days away to be exact) I am going to ask Hubby to buy me this as a present. (I need two yards, please...note that it's sold in half yards...)
Well, not just that fabric, but this fabric, too.

(Note that I'll need one yard of this one... also sold in half yard increments.)

And, not just the additional fabric, but this little pattern so I can make this fancy schmancy little purse!
This can all be found at the
Heather Bailey Store. So glad I found her site. You should check it out...she makes beautiful stuff!
(and, one more thing for my Hubby...just click on each picture for ease of ordering.)This is one post that I hope he reads in its entirety and makes a note of!