The weather has been beautiful, I've had time to myself, I've had amazing one-on-one time with both The Little Guy and Hubby. I've been feelin' the love from the pups, but when don't I feel that. I've gotten to see some old friends (even if it was at a funeral). I've got a stable job. I got an early birthday present last night from Hubby...some quilting classes, four to be exact, where I'll actually complete a project under the guidance of a professional.
When I'm at work I want to be at home. When I'm at home I want to be working on a project. When I'm working on a project I want to spend quality time with my fellas. When I'm spending quality time with them I think about all the other things I should be doing, too. Like chores. When I'm doing chores I can't wait to hurry up and finish so I can relax. When I relax I feel guilty because I should be doing something.
Mental whirlwind in my head. It's driving me mad. I wonder what it's like to be one of those people who are comfy with what they are doing at any given moment, able to absorb all the meaningful things and give thanks for the experience, no matter what it is. I feel very A.D.D. these days. More so than usual. No true focus.