Last month I signed up with some new flikr friends for a Quilting Bee. The "Live Piecefully Quilting Bee" to be exact. You can check out some pics of what we've posted so far here. I finished my June block for Kat last night. (Her fabrics are really more pink than red, but my iphone camera doesn't have a flash, so the lighting can be quite off if I'm not snapping pics outside in the daylight.)
If you are interested in signing up for a virtual quilting bee feel free to search on flikr. There are tons of quilters putting these together so there is always one to join in.
Now I need to mail Kat's block to her, and get my fabric pieces to the ladies in my group. My blocks will be sewn in July, so I have to send everything out this month. I'm still trying to decide exactly what to send and what pattern to use.... As usual, I'm overanalyzing!