Ok, so this picture shows my "do" erring on the side of conservatism. When I got home from my appointment last night my hair was flat-ironed in a pretty extreme fashion. My stylist usually does that, and I like a bit more body in my hair. So this morning I dried it then put in my velcro rollers, which gives me just a bit of lift. I'm sure I'll style it in other ways so that some days it looks more edgy, but after my brief trip back to 1992 I wanted just something that looked a bit on the plain side this morning.
And, my apologies for the goofy look on my face. No matter how hard I try to relax and give a "real" smile for the camera when I'm taking my own pic I just can't do it. I feel like a total goober taking my own pics like this... Do you have that problem, too? My real camera croaked on me a couple of months back so I keep using my phone. I think I did better with the real camera...