You might remember that I signed up to participate in
Danielle's Great State Quilt project a few months back. She needed representatives from each state to complete a five inch quilt block. All the blocks will be pieced together for a children's hospital in her area. I was a few days late getting my block in the mail, but here it is.

If you look closely you can see that I embroidered 'Texas' just above the star in blue. The thread stood out so much better on the red (duh) than on the faded denim, but I was afraid I would mess up if I pulled it out and tried again with another color.
I kept singing, "The stars at night, are big and bright, (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap) Deep in the heart of Texas!" while I was making it. Ok, so I didn't clap since my hands were obviously busy, but I could hear the claps in my head while I paused between words.
I hope it matches well with the other blocks. And I hope to see the finished project!