The Little Guy is at his dad's this week, so after work I headed by to squeeze his not-so-little self and plant a few smooches on his chubby cheeks. He was smiling and joking as usual which is always a bright spot to any day. Then I headed home and the pups greeted me with super waggy tails and the loyalty that usually comes from such wonderful little beings.
Hubby was off to the gym so I took the opportunity to hang out in the back yard pulling weeds and scooping little love piles from those pups, but it really was an enjoyable activity. (Did I really just admit to liking that chore?) The skies were overcast and a breeze was blowing making it such a comfy evening outside. Plus I found a precious little Roma tomato that will be ready to pick today! I can not wait to slice into that juicy treat!
Hubby and I made dinner then he scurried to the office to finish some work, which is when I switched into tv mode and popped in a DVD series that was a gift for my birthday last week. Pushing Daisies, Season One.
I used to love this show. Very Tim Burton-esque and full of colorful creativity, including poetic narration, that tends to make me feel so youthful. I watched all three episodes on Disc One while I crocheted on the couch surrounded by my dogs. I laughed out loud and was reminded of how lovely that show was. Such a shame it didn't survive. But I'm thankful for DVDs!