Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I've got to leave the country!

I must confess that I'll be leaving the country completely by choice.  There really isn't any drama to speak of. 

Very soon I'll be headed to Canada to take a tour by train through the Canadian Rockies.  I can't wait!!!  We will be meeting up with my family and some good friends, and it should be a super relaxing adventure.

One of the things I'm most looking forward to is daytime temperatures in the 70's! Since we've been hitting 100 degrees in North Texas, and the humidity is so high you feel like a sweat pit after 10 seconds, I can't wait to walk around comfortably outdoors.  Plus, North Texas just isn't very scenic.  It's very flat and ugly here.  We have to drive at least a couple of hours to see beautiful cliffs and hillside.

We will make several stops along the way to see a few World Heritage Sites.  From what I've read online that means those parts of the region are representative of their primitive state with native peoples living as they have for thousands of years.  I can't wait to check everything out.

I've ordered some serious walking shoes that should arrive in the next day or so to keep my feetsies nice and comfy.  I'll let you know how they fare.  I'm especially curious how they will look with skinny jeans, which is what I mostly wear these days.

Stay tuned for a full report!