The Bachelorette Weekend Excursion (BWE) was a lot of fun. My sister's friends were great to be around, everyone got along, and no one made a fool of themselves. My sister seemed to have a great time. I think she was a bit bummed because there wasn't any 'clubbin' to be had in Gruene, but we partied pretty hard on the river, so hopefully that made up for it.
I can not get over just how much fun I had floating the river. It was so relaxing, and there were so many people just taking it easy and making small talk as we passed by. We all wore pink foam crowns on our heads, so I think it was a natural conversation starter. (Forgive me for not having a picture, but I have to wait for the waterproof camera pics to be developed. In the meantime you can see Axel sporting my crown.) There were a few minor rapids (if you could even call them that) we had to pass through, and we all got split up a few times, but we quickly would reunite and get back in our circle formation.
In the above pic from left to right: K, My Lil' Sis, J, Shorty
I'll post more pictures just as soon as I have some. I highly recommend staying at Village at Gruene if you're ever in the area. The condos are brand new, they all overlook the Comal River, and it was a perfect set up for seven gals to stay in. Lots of sleeping space, a full kitchen stocked with dishes and the essentials needed for feeling like you're at home.
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!