And, while I stare at him, not hearing the story he's telling me because I'm thinking back in time, the memories start to flood my thoughts...
- The day he was born: it was 12:18 p.m. and my life changed forever in so many positive and dramatic ways.
- I remember how he used to nuzzle his face against me when he was hungry, the sounds he made as he nursed
- I remember how he used to rub his ears when he was tired
- The vacuum was a favorite plaything, he called it a vah-tah
- Each time I would try to video him he would hold my legs, look up with outstretched arms and say, "Hold you"
- A favorite book was Brown Bear Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Eric Carle
- He loved going to the lake and floating around in his life jacket
- We would dance together
- He's been consistent with telling me how much he dislikes school every year so far
- He likes to be private while I try to get him to be an open book like me
- His first best friend was a boy named Darren, but he called him Darren Buddy
- He's always loved being outdoors
- He's growing up so fast!
My note to my son... I'm so proud of you. I can't believe you're 13. I can't believe that God gifted you to me. I'm so grateful to be your mom, and to have the privilege of watching you grow each day. Thank you for all that you share with me, for all that you do for yourself, and thank you for the incredibly amazing person you are. I am truly blessed to have you in my life. I love you, Little Guy!