I'm excited that I have lots of vibrant colors in my project bags right now... orange, plum, green, deep red and yellow. All just waiting to be reclassified from 'project' status to 'accessory item.' I must admit I think I have too many projects on my hooks and needles at the moment, but that's ok. It will either teach me to push through or to get back to the one-project-at-a-time way of thinking.
Today I stumbled onto a wonderful article from LoveSewing that prompted me to think about the colors that are currently in my project bags. Denise Wild, known as TheSewingStudio on Twitter, shared that we'll see the emerald jewel tone from designers this fashion season. Green is my ultimate favorite color so I couldn't be happier!
I'd better get back to my green triangle scarf!
[caption id="attachment_81" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Grasshopper green but an emerald jewel tone, too!"]