[caption id="attachment_161" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Shorty's Classic Cowl (Single Loop)"]

[caption id="attachment_162" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Shorty's Classic Cowl (Double Loop)"]

Finished Objects
Shorty's Classic Cowls for two friends who each ordered two cowls. Yarns used for these infinity scarves have been Malabrigo Worsted, Malabrigo Rios, Cascade Superwash Wool and Cascade Ultra Pima Cotton. Each type of yarn lends unique characteristics to the scarves.
What's in my bag?
- The fourth Operation Gratitude scarf is well underway with one more to go so that I can reach my goal of completing five scarves
- The Plum Crazy Cowl is about to be frogged and started over
- The Orange Sharf has been frogged because two many stitches slid off my needles and I had no idea how to recover them
What's in my ears?
- Knitting Pipeline - Celtic twist on yarny goodness and more
- DC Unraveled - American needle art history alongside stitchy life in Washington, D.C.
- KnitPurlGurl Videocast - Episode 19 has great information for crocheters and beginning spinners
What's in my stash?
Thanks to a few sales through my Etsy shop, I've had a bit of yarn money to help with local economic stimulation. I've recently purchased my first ball of Sheepish in Olive by Vickie Howell, more Perfection by Kraemer and Cascade Ultra Pima Cotton from my favorite LYS Knitting Fairy in Grand Prairie, Texas.
What's in my library?
I'm still waiting for a publisher to send me a book I won recently, however I have a couple of great online resources to share with you. The Fall 2011 issue of Tangled is out and it includes some wonderful crochet patterns that mix beautiful yarns with modern stitch combinations. Some of the patterns that really piqued my interest were the Pineapple Upside Down Cake, Harmony sweater and Emma cardigan.Sign up for the Tangled newsletter here.
Another online resource I want to share is KnitFreedom by Liat Gat. Liat has put together wonderful instructional videos along with a newsletter that includes video the videos right in it. She has lots more videos on her YouTube channel, as well as video e-books and other resources so that you can become a knitting superstar!
My recent pattern purchase is the Vita Capelet (pronounced vee-tah) by Lindsey Stephens a.k.a. Poetry In Yarn on Twitter.
Well friends, that’s it for this episode. Feel free to send me an email at shortyssutures@gmail.com, find me on Facebook, Tout, Twitter or join the ShortysSutures Ravelry group. Thanks so much for joining me and I do hope you’ll join me again next time.
Until then, keep those hands stitchin’!