Finished Objects
- A beanie for Trey
- Operation Gratitude Scarves
[caption id="attachment_173" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="A teen too busy to look up to show off his beanie!"]

What's in my bag?
What's in my ears?
- This section was omitted in the podcast as I'm listening to all my faves that have been featured before
What's in my library?
- Winner of the Crochet Doctor's giveaway of Robyn Chachula's new book
[amazon_image id="1118030052" link="true" target="_blank" size="medium" ]Crochet Stitches VISUAL Encyclopedia (Teach Yourself VISUALLY Consumer)[/amazon_image]
Well friends, that’s it for this episode. Feel free to send me an email at, find me on Facebook, Twitter or join the ShortysSutures Ravelry group. Thanks so much for joining me and I do hope you’ll join me again next time.
Until then, keep those hand stitchin'!